The Trail of Grandma's Home 옥상자국

Without knowing much about my mother's family, I happened to find an old bullet mark in my grandmother's house. I asked my grandmother about the mark, and she gave me a nonchalant answer that made me wonder about her past for the first time.
가족의 과거를 알지 못하는 나는, 외갓집에서 우연히 오래된 자국을 발견했다. 나는 할머니에게 자국에 대해 물었다. 할머니의 대답은 무심하게 이어졌다. 처음으로 할머니의 과거가 궁금해지기 시작했다.
Director's Statement
Three decades after the May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju, what does the city of Gwangju look like today? That critical day must have been somewhere between a myth and an uprising, and I wanted to recall the memory of my grandmother, who was alive on that day.
30여 년이 지난 지금 광주는 어떤 모습으로 흘러가고 있을까. ‘신화’와 ‘폭동’ 사이 어딘가에 있었을 그날의 할머니를 불러내고 싶었다.
CAST. 김경희 KIM Kyunghee, 최영무 CHOI Youngmu,
최혜선 CHOI Hyesun, 김선희 KIM Sunhee, 양주연 YANG Juyeon
CINEMATOGRAPHER. 양주연 YANG Juyeon, 고두현 KO Duhyun
POST-PRODUCTION SUPPORT. 한국예술종합학교 Korea National University of Arts
13th Asiana International Short Film Festival, 2015
- National Competition / the Grand Prize
2nd Saram-Sesang Film Festival, 2015
- National Competition / the Grand Prize & the Special Jury Prize(Kim Kyoung-hee)
41st Seoul Independent Film Festival, 2015 - Invitation
8th Seoul Senior Film Festival, 2015 - Shorts Competition
6th Women’s Film Festival in Gwangju, 2015 - Invitation
21st Indie Forum, 2016 - New Selection
13회 아시아나국제단편영화제(2015) - 국내경쟁 / 대상
2회 사람사는세상영화제(2015) - 국내경쟁 / 대상&심사위원특별상(김경희)
41회 서울독립영화제(2015) - 초청작
8회 서울노인영화제(2015) - 단편경쟁
6회 광주여성영화제(215) - 초청작
21회 인디포럼(2016) - 신작전